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सामुदायिक मध्यस्थता

Are you in conflict with a neighbor, family member or someone in the broader community? 


Do you want to address the issue constructively but feel stuck? Or, do you want to build stronger conflict engagement skills before conflict escalates?

The Conflict Assistance Program (CAP) aims to support Burlington-area residents in addressing conflict constructively, skillfully, and restoratively. We offer both conflict assistance services as well as skill-building opportunities. All of our services are either free or sliding scale. No one is turned away for lack of funds.


In all services, we use a restorative justice approach informed by a strong analysis of how power and identity show up in conflict. Services include but are not limited to: restorative conversations, conflict coaching, and mediation.

Want to connect with the CAP Coordinator? Contact Barbara Shaw-Dorso at or (802) 264-0765.


Help us spread the word! Download the CAP pamphlet here.





Are you experiencing harm? The Parallel Justice program at the CJC provides trauma-informed and confidential support for people facing harm, crime and violence. Learn more about Parallel Justice here.

Our offerings:

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